Tuesday 12 November 2013

TW: Short Edit From Porc Shoot

At the moment we need to do another shoot so that we know how our footage will fit together. So I though the most effective use of our time, in terms of editing, would be to make a short edit using our footage from Porc. This would be useful as I could try out the techniques we are going to use in our actual video, for instance the title at the beginning of the track as well as the development of friendship and camaraderie. Another technique that I practiced was the use of slow motion, trying different ways using the slow motion such as ramped slow mo and a whole clip in slow mo. As we at Porc for the whole day I was able to use the footage to show the progression from morning to evening.

The feedback that we received from this edit was extremely positive. Points that were made included.
  • Editing to soundtrack worked extremely well
  • Filler shots were very effective
  • Sense of friendship and camaraderie developed
  • Location worked well
  • One shot that showed someone getting out of car didn't work because it didn't look like it was at the same location

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