Sunday 13 October 2013

Group:Pitch feedback

Tyla and I pitched our concept and ideas to the class and Ms Johnson on Thursday the 10th of October. This was the first time that our peers had seen our almost fully developed concept so we decided to include a wide range of secondary and primary research clips that we had taken from previous productions that i had made as well as short clips and screen shots from other professional productions to act as visual aids to our pitch when describing ideas.
From the class and teacher reaction we both feel that this method had worked very well as peers from our class had said that the extencive research that we had carried out helped them to visualise ideas that otherwise would have been hard to describe such as one of our post production ideas called RGB split.
After we had pitched to the class we recieved very good comments from our teachers and peers who said that there were not many grey areas that we had failed to incude and explain clearly. We then asked for feedback concerning our concept on how our ideas could be improved or adapted  and what ideas other members of the class had.
Some of the possible improvements that we recieved included:

  • Developing the ideological discourse through including similar shots of teenagers helping strangers in the community.
  • Developing the style of the production e.g. Slow motion, HIght production values and the use of post production effects.

Overall we both feel that our pitch to the class was successful and that after recieving positive feedback from almost all members of the class it has given us more confidence in our idea to develop it to become as good as possible.

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